- Pay award for teachers in 2023
Find the pay ranges from the STPCD all in 1 place, including the teacher pay ranges and teaching and learning responsibility (TLR) payments for 2023/24. Be clear on how to apply them, and download our cheat sheet to keep the information on hand.
- Pay progression on the MPR and UPR
Teachers employed under the STPCD must be considered for pay progression annually. See guidance on judging teacher performance on the main pay range (MPR) and upper pay range (UPR). You'll also find expert advice on how to assess teachers' performance and who ultimately makes the decision.
- Recruitment and retention awards
Read guidance, including union advice, on when staff can receive recruitment or retention awards. Download our template letter for notifying teachers when you want to grant a payment.
- School teachers' pay and progression: summary table
Download our summary table to see the STPCD's rules on teacher pay ranges, eligibility criteria, possible allowances and professional standards – from an unqualified teacher through to the headteacher.
- Teachers' pay award 2023: cheat sheet
Unsure how the latest changes to teacher pay affect your school? Get up to speed with our cheat sheet.
- Unqualified teachers: pay
Make sure you know how much unqualified teachers should be paid in your school. Take a look at our overview of the pay range and allowances for unqualified teachers, and how to manage their pay progression.