CEO appraisal process

Prepare for your appraisal by familiarising yourself with the process, and use our guidance to help you write your objectives for the next appraisal period.

Last reviewed on 19 January 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 44258
  1. Check and understand your appraisal process 
  2. Be aware of the evidence used to evaluate performance
  3. Set objectives for the next period 

This article is based on advice from our associate education experts Fred Birkett, Brendan Hollyer, Graeme Hornsby and Gulshan Kayembe.

Check and understand your appraisal process 

As an academy trust you're free to determine your own appraisal process, as explained in section 5.3 of the academy trust governance guide

The board of trustees is ultimately responsible for your appraisal and the chair of trustees will likely lead this performance management process. 

To clarify what your process is, check: 

  • Your scheme of delegation, to find out who's involved
  • Your appraisal policy, if you have one 
  • The terms and conditions in your contract, which may refer to the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) or The Green Book (basic terms and conditions for employers in local government services)

Appraisal committee

The appraisal committee will likely be your chair of trustees and include 2 others, such as:

It won't