Induction mentors – who they are and what they do
All early career teachers (ECTs) going through induction must have an induction mentor. This can be anyone, as long as:
- They have qualified teacher status (QTS)
- They're not the same person as the induction tutor (if this can be at all avoided)
- Trusts: They provide their support to ECTs within a single school setting (rather than a mentor supporting ECTs at multiple schools in the trust)
Induction mentors will:
- Regularly meet with the ECT for structured mentoring sessions to provide targeted feedback
- Work with the ECT and colleagues to make sure the ECT receives a high-quality early career framework (ECF)-based induction programme
- Provide, or broker, effective support, including subject- or phase-specific coaching
- Take prompt action if the ECT is having difficulties
Creating a learning environment in the classroom Using assessment and feedback to good effect How to support