Early career teacher (ECT) induction: summary

Read about your requirements and responsibilities for the 2-year induction period for early career teachers (ECT)s. The induction period is statutory in maintained schools.

Last reviewed on 29 July 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 42308
  1. What is the early career induction (ECI) period?
  2. Base your induction programme on the Early Career Framework (ECF)
  3. Choose from 3 different types of induction programme
  4. Appoint both an induction tutor and an induction mentor
  5. Keep in contact with your 'appropriate body'
  6. ECTs will have 2 formal assessments

What is the early career induction (ECI) period?

The ECI period is a 2-year induction programme, set out in statutory guidance underpinned by the Early Career Framework (ECF) (see the section below).

The period may be extended by the 'appropriate body' (see below) for reasons including: 

  • Personal crises
  • Illness
  • Disability
  • Issues around the support during induction
  • Where there's not enough documentation to make a decision about the ECT's performance

See section 3 of the guidance for more information on extending the induction period.

In maintained schools:

  • The ECI period is statutory
  • All teachers must have completed or (be working towards) an ECI period
  • Where teachers have significant experience before entering the maintained sector for the first time, the appropriate body may choose to reduce the induction period to a minimum of 1 term 

In academies or independent schools:

  • An ECI period is not statutory
  • You may still choose to offer ECTs an induction period

During induction, ECTs have