Senior leaders

  • Assistant/deputy headteacher: interview questions and tasks
    Adapt and use these questions, record sheet and interview tasks, along with tips on what to look for in a candidate's response, to help you select the best possible candidate. Find questions specific to primary, secondary, special and faith schools.
  • Designated safeguarding lead: interview questions
    Adapt these interview questions, find out what to look for in candidates' responses and use our template to record and score your evidence, to help you recruit the right DSL candidate for your school.
  • MAT CFO: interview questions and task
    Appointing the right chief finance officer (CFO) is key to supporting the success of your multi-academy trust. Get expert suggestions on what questions to ask at interview, and what to look for in an answer. You'll also find a suggested interview task to test candidates' skill at budget analysis and management.
    For Trust Leaders
  • Preparing for headship: what to expect in an interview
    Get an overview of the headteacher interview process and read top tips from our experts on how to prepare, so you can feel confident going into the recruitment process.
  • Preparing for senior leadership: what to expect in an interview
    Use our top tips to impress at every stage of your senior leadership interview, including if you're applying for a leadership role in your current school. Learn how to tweak your preparations if you'll be attending the interview remotely, and plan your answers using our sample questions.
  • School council: headteacher interview questions
    Get your school council involved in helping you recruit your new headteacher. Use our record sheet and adapt our list of questions to reflect pupils' priorities.
  • SENCO: interview questions and tasks
    Download and adapt our interview questions to help recruit your next SENCO, with pointers on what to look for in candidates' answers. Find example interview tasks that will help you assess a candidate's skills and ability to fulfil the duties of the role.