Catering manager: interview questions and tasks

Download our interview questions and tasks to help you recruit the best catering manager for your school. Use our record sheet to score candidates' answers, and learn what to look for in good responses.

Last reviewed on 7 April 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 31258
  1. Download our interview questions and record sheet
  2. Use our exercises to test different skills
  3. Or ask KeyGPT for personalised questions and tasks 

Download our interview questions and record sheet

Here's a list of questions suitable for a catering manager position, plus tips on what to look for in good answers.

Use this template during interviews to record the responses and score evidence.

KeyDoc - interview questions and record sheet for a catering manager DOCX, 134.8 KB

Use our exercises to test different skills

Download these tasks and choose the one that's most appropriate for the role you're hiring for:

  • Conversations with pupils
  • Planning a menu
KeyDoc - interview tasks for a catering manager DOCX, 130.2 KB

In the download, you'll find:

  • A summary of each task
  • What you need to prepare
  • The task itself to hand to the candidate

KeyGPT, our AI-powered assistant, can generate more examples of interview questions and tasks suitable for your context, based on what it knows about your school and what you tell it about the role. Just adapt the prompts in our interview questions