Subject lead (primary): interview tasks

Read our example interview tasks for a primary subject lead and what to look for in a good answer, to help you test candidates' skills and select the best person for the role.

Last reviewed on 30 March 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 12373
  1. How to use these interview tasks
  2. Implementing a cross-curricular approach
  3. Planning interventions for pupils
  4. Delivering a presentation 
  5. Delivering training
  6. Holding other staff to account 
  7. Data analysis
  8. Safeguarding pupils 
  9. Communicating with parents 
  10. Teaching a lesson

How to use these interview tasks

  • Pick the tasks that are most appropriate for the role and your school's context - you won't need to set them all
  • Adapt the tasks according to the job description and person specification of the role 
  • For each task, we've made suggestions on what to look for in a good answer, based on advice from our experts (scroll down to the 'sources' section to see who they are). Consider if our suggestions are right for your school setting, and adapt them if needed
  • The list of tasks below isn't exhaustive

Implementing a cross-curricular approach

Example tasks

What to look for The candidate: Shows strong subject knowledge Has