School business manager (SBM): role and responsibilities

Understand the role and responsibilities of a school business manager (SBM) and which duties might be appropriate for the role in your school.

Last reviewed on 11 February 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 44013
  1. There are no statutory requirements 
  2. Example of an SBM's duties 

There are no statutory requirements 

The Institute of School Business Leadership (ISBL) has published non-statutory professional standards that you can use as a starting point to shape the SBM role in your school. 

Below you'll find a list of the main duties taken from our model job description for an SBM, based on the standards from ISBL. 

Leadership and strategy Line-manage support staff, including carrying out long-term resource planning and managing recruitment, appraisal and professional development Lead on financial matters in school, to ensure the school’s successful financial performance and to ensure financial decisions are clearly linked to the school’s strategic goals Attend all senior leadership team meetings and report to governors where appropriate Implement school-wide changes and allocate resources in line with the school improvement plan, putting policies and procedures in place and communicating them to staff Implement a marketing plan for the school, which utilises the school website, signage, the prospectus, and communications with