Overview of the role of the SENCO
Your school's SENCO will:
- Help the headteacher and governing board determine the strategic development of the special educational needs (SEN) policy and provision in your school
- Have day-to-day responsibility for:
- Implementing the SEND policy
- Co-ordinating any specific provisions for individual pupils with SEN, including those with education, health and care (EHC) plans
- Advise staff about SEN strategy and provision
- Work closely with staff, parents and local agencies
Your governing board (or the proprietors of your school if you're an academy or free school) will decide on any other duties.
Find out more about what types of schools are required to appoint a SENCO, and what qualifications they must have in our other article.
Main areas of responsibility
Your SENCO's exact responsibilities will depend on your school's needs. Adapt your job description based on the role.
Help to develop the whole-school SEN strategy
Advise on