QuickRead: Filtering and monitoring

Effective filtering and monitoring is a safeguarding requirement. Find out what your school needs to know and do about it, and share our summary with your team.

Last reviewed on 21 June 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 46748
  1. What is filtering and monitoring?
  2. What do I need to know about filtering and monitoring?
  3. What does my school need to do?
  4. What are my next steps?

What is filtering and monitoring?

Filtering and monitoring systems are used to keep pupils safe when using your school’s IT system.

Filtering systems: block access to harmful sites and content.

Monitoring systems: identify when a user accesses or searches for certain types of harmful content on school and college devices (it doesn’t stop someone accessing it). Your school is then alerted to any concerning content so you can intervene and respond.

No filtering and monitoring system is 100% effective, so you need to use it alongside your existing safeguarding systems and procedures.

What do I need to know about filtering and monitoring?

The expectations, applicable roles and responsibilities in relation to filtering and monitoring as part of their safeguarding training. For example, part of their role may be to monitor what’s on pupils’ screens How to report safeguarding and technical concerns, such as if:   They witness