Meeting the DfE's digital and technology standards: priorities checklist

Make sure your school's IT services and equipment meet the DfE's minimum standards. Use our downloadable checklist to review your current provision, and get to grips with what to prioritise and what your next steps should be.

Last reviewed on 18 June 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 46571
  1. Use the guidance to help you make informed decisions
  2. Know what to prioritise
  3. Standards you should already be meeting
  4. Standards to meet as soon as possible
  5. Standards to meet when you need to replace your current solution
  6. Meeting the cyber security standards
  7. Download the checklist

This article is based on the DfE’s guidelines for meeting IT services and digital equipment standards.

Use the guidance to help you make informed decisions

You'll already be meeting some of the standards, by complying with legislation such as the UK GDPR and Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE).

Unless the standards relate to specific legislation, they're not statutory requirements. However, meeting the standards will:

  • Make your school safer
  • Achieve better value for money
  • Provide new learning opportunities for your pupils

You can also use the guidance to help you:

  • Make budgeting decisions for buying or maintaining technology
  • Choose appropriate technology and services to buy
  • Renew contracts with technology providers to best meet your needs
  • Correctly install new equipment

Know what to prioritise

If you'd rather download the tables as a checklist that you can RAG-rate, you'll find