Information for school visitors

Find out what information should be shared with visitors to your school and in what format, including safeguarding and practical advice. Also see examples of how other schools communicate with visitors.

Last reviewed on 18 February 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 32117
  1. How to share information
  2. Safeguarding information 
  3. Practical information
  4. Case studies

How to share information

You can use different formats to share information with school visitors such as:

  • Your school's website
  • Physical copies of information packs and leaflets
  • Emails ahead of a visit
  • Letters sent home with pupils

Consider which format would best serve different pieces of information. This will depend on the type of information, when visitors will need to know about it, and the different groups who visit your school.

Groups of visitors may include:

  • Parents
  • Volunteers
  • Contractors
  • Speakers
  • Charitable or religious partners

Use the policy page of your website

Signpost parents and visitors to relevant school policies, such as safeguarding, specific visitor policies, or codes of conduct.

Make sure any information you send to visitors is in line with the latest version of your policies.

Safeguarding information 

It's important visitors to your school receive all the necessary safeguarding information so they can be compliant with your policies and help keep your school a safe place.