Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS): summary

Maintained schools must complete the SFVS every year. Read a rundown of what it covers, so you know what to expect.

Last reviewed on 7 January 2025See updates
School types: MaintainedSchool phases: AllRef: 4128
  1. What is the SFVS?
  2. Summary of the SFVS checklist sections
  3. Completing the checklist 
  4. Using the DfE's financial benchmarking and insights tool

What is the SFVS?

The Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS) is a requirement for all maintained schools (including pupil referral units), who must submit it to their local authority (LA) every year.

It provides your governing board with assurance that your school meets the standards necessary to achieve a good level of financial health and resource management.

It must be agreed by the full governing board and signed by the chair, and submitted before the end of the financial year (as per section 4.16 of the statutory guidance on schemes for financing schools) – but schools should check whether their LA has set a specific deadline

For the financial year 2024-25, you should submit your SFVS to your LA no later than 31 March 2025.

Summary of the SFVS checklist sections

Introduction – a summary of agreed action and timetable for reporting back Outcomes – the chair of your governing board will need to sign