- Administering medicines in school: guidance
Get advice on administering medication to pupils in school, including on school trips and in the early years. Download our printable sheet of 'dos and don'ts' that staff can refer to.
- Administering medicines: parental consent
Learn how to seek permission to give non-prescription medicines to pupils, and what to do if a parent/carer doesn't consent. Plus, download and use our multi-purpose consent form.
- Administering medicines: template record forms
Find templates for recording medication administered to all pupils and to individual pupils, and guidance on how long to store these records.
- Adrenaline auto-injectors (AAIs) in school: guidance and examples
Find advice on keeping spare EpiPens and other brands of AAI on site for use in emergencies. Plus, find examples of consent forms and AAI protocols from other schools.
- First aid provision: requirements and guidance
Find out what you need to do to comply with requirements on first aid provision in schools and early years settings.
- Individual healthcare plans: guidance and templates
Learn when and how to create an individual healthcare plan to support pupils with medical conditions. See a template plan from the DfE, and example plans for pupils with epilepsy, diabetes and allergies.
- Supporting pupils with asthma
Get expert advice on supporting pupils with asthma, and on the use of emergency inhalers, in your school. Find guidance on staff responsibilities, parental consent and what to include about asthma in your school policies.