Headteachers |
Make sure:
- All staff are aware of the policy for supporting pupils with medical conditions and understand their role in implementing it (your governing body is responsible for making sure it's implemented)
- Enough trained staff are available to implement the policy (your governing body should make sure this is the case)
- All appropriate staff are aware of a pupil's medical condition
- All pupils with asthma have individual health care plans
School staff |
- Take into account the needs of pupils with medical conditions
- Know what to do and respond accordingly if a pupil needs medical help
Parents |
- Provide the school with sufficient and up-to-date information about their child's medical needs
- Be involved in developing and reviewing their child's individual healthcare plan
- Provide the school with the necessary medicines and equipment
- Make sure that they or a nominated adult are contactable at all times
Pupils | Should be fully involved in discussions about their medical needs and their individual healthcare plan. |