Social media for teachers: cheat sheet

Help staff members keep their social media profiles secure and be clear on what to do if they're contacted by a pupil or parent/carer online. Find practical tips to protect staff privacy and download our letter to parents/carers.

Last reviewed on 3 September 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 33082
  1. Download our cheat sheet
  2. Adopt our model social media policy
  3. Template letter to parents/carers about contacting staff on social media
  4. How to respond to an online incident 

Download our cheat sheet

It will help keep your staff secure online, with practical steps for maintaining privacy on social media sites.

Note: Remind teachers to check their privacy settings regularly for all their social media accounts as social media settings often change.

KeyDoc: social media cheat sheet PDF, 143.6 KB

Adopt our model social media policy

Download our template social media policy and see examples from other schools.

A social media policy isn't a statutory requirement, but it's a good idea to have one so:

  • Everyone inside and outside the school knows the expectations and limitations of using social media in both a professional and personal capacity
  • You have something to refer parents/carers or pupils to if they try to contact you or your staff members through social media
  • Sanctions are appropriate and consistent

Template letter to parents/carers about contacting staff on social media

If there is an incident involving a pupil(s)