School website: publishing information about the governing board

Understand what governing board information you're required to publish on your school website, and download our checklists for maintained schools and academies to make sure you haven't missed anything out.

Last reviewed on 2 August 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 12855
  1. The rules: in summary 
  2. Maintained school requirements
  3. Academy requirements
  4. What if governors don't want their details online? 
  5. Guidance on publishing the information
  6. The DfE also encourages you to publish board diversity data
  7. Publishing extra information

The rules: in summary 

  • All maintained schools and academies must publish up-to-date governance information on their websites
  • The exact information required is different for maintained schools and academies
  • It must be in a readily accessible form, meaning directly on to webpages, without the need to download or open a separate document

This is set out in:

Maintained school requirements

Use our checklist to make sure you've got everything covered:

KeyDoc: maintained school checklist for publishing governor information on website DOCX, 134.2 KB

The structure and remit of the governing board and any committees, and the full name of the chair of each one For each governor who has served at any point over the past 12 months: Their full name Their date of appointment Their term of office The date when they stepped down, where applicable The