Assembly planner for the year ahead (2024/25)

Get your assembly topics sorted with our downloadable planner. Adapt our weekly schedule and share it with staff to remind them what’s coming up.

Last reviewed on 23 May 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 35796
  1. Download our planner and weekly schedule
  2. Assembly resources

Download our planner and weekly schedule

KeyDoc assembly planner 2024-25 DOC, 401.0 KB

Use our assembly planner to record: 

  • What you want your assemblies to focus on each week – you'll find national awareness days, religious festivals and events next to each week
  • Who's responsible for delivering the assemblies

Adapt our weekly schedule and share it with staff, or put it up in your staffroom so they know what’s coming up and if they need to plan anything.

You can also use our yearly planner to help you plan your school year. 

Assembly resources

If you're using religious festivals and national awareness days as assembly topics, you'll find a range of assembly resources linked to these on

Take a look at our resources and ideas for assemblies about online safety and LGBT+ History Month.