Termly tasks for primary subject leaders: checklist

Download our checklist to help you plan ahead and keep on top of your termly tasks. It covers curriculum planning, subject monitoring and setting your subject vision.

Last reviewed on 18 June 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: PrimaryRef: 8799
  1. Download and adapt our checklist to help you manage and monitor your subject
  2. Find further resources and guidance for subject leaders

Download and adapt our checklist to help you manage and monitor your subject

KeyDoc: checklist of termly tasks for primary subject leaders DOC, 207.5 KB

Use it to plan your key tasks and activities for each term and throughout the year. Adapt it to reflect the specific circumstances of your school.

You may want to carry out some of the activities in the checklist with your senior leadership team. 

You can also use our 2024/25 planner and interactive online calendar to plan for the year ahead.

Find further resources and guidance for subject leaders

Use our resource hub for middle leaders. It includes a checklist for the new academic year, as well as resources to help you:

  • Plan for improvements
  • Monitor your subject
  • Prepare for Ofsted
  • Write and review policies
  • Work with governors and support your staff