Teachers' skills audit

Use our audit to assess your teachers' professional development needs against the Teachers' Standards. It's up to date with the latest Ofsted inspection framework and current research around teaching and learning best practice.

Last reviewed on 31 January 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 4106
  1. Download our audit tool
  2. What evidence to use
  3. What to do next

Download our audit tool

Use our tool to identify areas of strength and for development with your teachers. It's based on:

KeyDoc: Teachers' skills audit DOCX, 140.7 KB

You can:

  • Complete the tool in a meeting with a teacher, or
  • Give it to your teaching staff as a self-assessment tool


We worked with David New and Nina Siddall-Ward, our associate education experts, to produce this tool.

If you have teachers who are exceeding in all aspects, move onto our middle leaders' skills audit – it will stretch these individuals to go beyond the minimum requirements. 

What evidence to use

Feedback from lesson observations Pupil outcomes. For example, a teacher who says they're skilled at pupil interventions could demonstrate this with the outcomes of a successful intervention Participation in continuing professional development (CPD) and training – e.g. evidence