Key Stage 1 and 2 grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS) tests

Get to grips with the Key Stage (KS) 1 and KS2 grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS) tests. Understand which pupils they apply to and the format of the tests.

Last reviewed on 30 October 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: PrimaryRef: 10508
  1. KS1 GPS tests are optional
  2. Format of the KS1 tests
  3. KS2 GPS tests are statutory for schools that follow the ARA 
  4. Format of KS2 tests
  5. KS2 test dates 2025
  6. Sample papers

KS1 GPS tests are optional

Schools can choose whether to administer the English grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS) tests.

From the 2024/25 academic year schools will no longer receive printed versions of the standard test papers.

All school types: use the Primary Access Gateway (PAG) to:

  • Order modified versions of the test papers – by 15 November 2024
  • Access and download standard versions of the optional test papers – from Thursday 1 May 2025

You'll receive hard copies of the modified test materials in school between 24 and 28 March 2025.

This information comes from the 2025 optional Key Stage 1 tests guidance.

Format of the KS1 tests

Paper 1: spelling

Paper 1 consists of: 

  • A test transcript that's read by the test administrator
  • An answer booklet for pupils to write 20 spellings

Pupils should have approximately 15 minutes to complete the test, but it isn't strictly timed.

Paper 2 is a combined question