Year 4 multiplication tables check: requirements and guidance

You're required to administer the multiplication tables check (MTC) between 3 and 21 June 2024. Find out what you need to do, including how to log in to the online system and how pupils can access practice tests.

Last reviewed on 30 October 2023See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 37341
  1. What do we have to do, and when?
  2. What does the check cover?
  3. Test format
  4. Which pupils take it?
  5. How to log in to the system
  6. Get pupils to do a practice check
  7. How to create PINs for the official check
  8. Access arrangements
  9. How to administer the check
  10. Results and accountability: complete the headteacher's declaration form 

This article summarises the key points from the Standards and Testing Agency's (STA's) guidance on administering the multiplication tables check (MTC) to year 4 pupils, the 2024 Key Stage 2 assessment and reporting arrangements and the primary assessment: future dates.

What do we have to do, and when?

From Monday 8 April: Access the MTC service via DfE Sign-in to prepare.

Between 3 June and 14 June: Administer the check. 

Between 17 June and 21 June: If required, administer the check to pupils who were absent, or if there were any delays due to technical difficulties.

By 5pm on Friday 21 June: Submit your headteacher's declaration form.

From 24 June: Access results (a total score for each pupil) in the 'view pupil results' section of the multiplication tables check service. 

The check tests knowledge of times tables up to 12. There'll be an emphasis on the 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 tables because these are considered to be