Key Stage 1 and 2 assessment resources
Get easy access to the resources you need to tackle this year's KS1 and 2 assessments with confidence, including information on access arrangements and which pupils should participate.
Carrying out the tests
Find guidance on administering the tests in May 2024, along with an explanation of which pupils should and shouldn't enter, and how to carry out teacher assessment.
Key Stage 1 and 2 assessments
Find answers to FAQs on how to comply with statutory requirements for Key Stage (KS) 1 and 2 assessments. Use our checklist of key dates and deadlines, and know what to report to your local authority and parents/carers.
Key Stage 2 SATs in 2025
Get an overview of Key Stage (KS) 2 SATs for 2025. Download and share this QuickRead with colleagues as a ready-made resource to keep them up to speed.
Key Stage 1 and 2 grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS) tests
Get to grips with the Key Stage (KS) 1 and KS2 grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS) tests. Understand which pupils they apply to and the format of the tests.
Key Stage 2 SATs results in 2024
Results for Key Stage (KS) 2 SATs are available from 9 July 2024. Download our factsheet to help parents and carers understand their child's results, and see our summary of test scoring and key dates.
Access arrangements
Learn how to identify the pupils that may need additional support, and prepare to support all pupils through the assessments with guidance on the types of access arrangements available.
Key Stage 1 and 2 assessments: access arrangements
Prepare for KS1 and 2 SATs with guidance on the types of access arrangements available, which pupils may need additional support and the deadlines for applications.
Multiplication and phonics checks
Find out more about the year 4 multiplication tables check and the phonics screening check.
Year 4 multiplication tables check: requirements and guidance
You're required to administer the multiplication tables check (MTC) between 3 and 21 June 2024. Find out what you need to do, including how to log in to the online system and how pupils can access practice tests.
Phonics screening check: information for parents
Use our phonics screening check factsheet to explain the process to parents, including when they'll receive results and how they can help their child prepare at home. See examples of how schools display this information online.
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