Reading: staff skills and knowledge audit (primary)

Share our self-assessment tool with teachers to evaluate their subject knowledge and teaching confidence. Use their responses to help you fill in our audit tool, where you'll find resources to address any gaps.

Last reviewed on 10 May 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: PrimaryRef: 32245
  1. Ask staff to evaluate their own skills and knowledge 
  2. Audit your current reading provision to find areas to develop

Ask staff to evaluate their own skills and knowledge 

Download and share our self-assessment tool

This will:

  • Give you a good understanding of how confident your staff feel teaching reading
  • Help them reflect on their own skills and knowledge

It's based on the DfE's reading framework and covers areas such as: 

  • Language comprehension 
  • Storytimes 
  • Teaching phonics 
  • Assessment

Encourage staff to respond honestly, emphasising that you want to help them feel more comfortable and confident teaching the subject.

You can also ask them to complete it 1 section at a time, to reduce workload.

Keydoc: reading self-assessment tool for teachers DOC, 245.5 KB

Audit your current reading provision to find areas to develop

Once your staff have filled out the self-assessment tool, use their responses and our audit tool to build up a picture of the strengths of their teaching, and areas where they may need more support. 

It suggests where you