Pupil premium policy: model and examples

Download and adapt our model pupil premium policy to suit your school's context. Find examples of policies from primary, secondary and special schools.

Last reviewed on 18 July 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 41570
  1. Download our model policy 
  2. School examples

This isn't a statutory policy, but it will help you to:

  • Make sure parents/carers, staff and other members of the school community understand the purpose of the pupil premium and which pupils are eligible
  • Set out how your school will make decisions on pupil premium spending
  • Summarise the roles and responsibilities of those involved in managing the pupil premium in your school

Make sure you know how you can spend the pupil premium and the requirements for reporting on the pupil premium.

Download our model policy 

Our model:

  • Takes account of relevant requirements, guidance and good practice
  • Is approved by Forbes Solicitors
  • Is easy to adapt to save you time and keep your school compliant
Model policy: pupil premium DOCX, 189.0 KB

School examples


