- Collection and walking home alone policies (primary)
Find out what to include in your collection and walking home alone policy. See examples of policies from primary schools.
- Dealing with abusive visitors in schools: policies
Find examples of policies on dealing with abusive visitors from primary and secondary schools, and a special school.
- Display screen equipment (DSE) policies: guidance and examples
Read guidance from HSE on best practice, and see examples of display screen equipment (DSE) policies from schools and LAs.
- Drugs policies: guidance and examples
Find support with writing or reviewing your school’s drugs policy, with guidance from the DfE on what to include and examples of policies from schools.
- Educational visits policy: model and examples
An educational visits policy provides support for staff in the effective and safe planning and operation of school trips. This policy isn't statutory, but it's best practice to have one. Download our model policy with practical templates in the appendices, and see examples from other schools.
- Emergency or critical incident plan: guidance and examples
Prepare for emergencies by making sure your school has an emergency or critical incident plan detailing how you'll respond to various significant incidents.
- First aid policy: model and examples
It's no longer a requirement to have a standalone first aid policy, but it is recommended. Download and adapt our model first aid policy to suit the context of your school or trust. See examples of first aid policies from primary, secondary and special schools, and from multi-academy trusts.
- Health and safety policy: model and examples
All schools must have a health and safety policy. Use our model policy for your school or trust, which includes an accident report form, to stay compliant.
- Intimate care policy and plan: model and examples
Download our model intimate care policy and templates for an intimate care plan and consent form. Read expert advice on what to consider and see examples from other schools.
- Lone working policies: examples
Find examples of lone working policies from primary, secondary and special schools to help you write your own. Be clear on your rights and responsibilities as an employer, with further guidance from the Health and Safety Executive.
- Manual handling policy: examples
See examples of manual handling policies from primary, secondary and special schools, as well as a local authority. Find guidance too on what to include in your policy from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
- No smoking/vaping policy: examples
Find examples of no smoking policies (including vaping) from primary, secondary and special schools. Develop and review your whole-school policy, to set out your approach to smoking and vaping.
- Positive handling policy: examples
See examples of policies on positive handling, physical restraint and the use of reasonable force, from primary, secondary and special schools to help you write or update your own. Find policies with template positive handling plans and incident reporting forms.
- Pupil allergy policy: model and examples
Allergy is one of the most common chronic conditions in children. Download and adapt our model policy to help make your school 'allergy aware' and see examples from other schools.
- Risk assessment policy: model and examples
Download our model risk assessment policy and see examples of school and trust policies on assessing risks to health and safety.
- School food policies
Find out what to include in your school food policy and see examples from other schools.
- Security lockdown procedures: template and guidance
Keep your school safe in the event of a critical incident. Download our template emergency lockdown plan and adapt it to your school's needs. See examples from other schools.
- Severe weather policy: guidance and examples
Find out what to include in your severe weather policy, and see examples of policies from schools.
- Sun safety policies
Pupils should know about sun safety by the end of primary school. Find example policies from other schools to help you outline your own approach to keeping everyone safe in the sun.
- Supporting pupils with medical conditions policy: model, guidance and examples
Adapt our model policy for supporting pupils with medical conditions, or use our checklist and examples from schools, to make sure your current policy is meeting requirements. Find guidance on how to support pupils with complex medical needs.