Safeguarding audit

Audit your safeguarding arrangements to make sure you're up to date with the latest statutory safeguarding guidance, and in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2024.

on 29 August 2024
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School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 5770
  1. Download our audit template

Download our audit template

Use it to check that your safeguarding arrangements comply with statutory safeguarding guidance.

KeyDoc: safeguarding audit DOCX, 172.7 KB

It’s mainly based on Keeping Children Safe in Education but also draws on:

If you’re looking to audit what staff and governors know and understand, and you have Whole School or Leaders+ Safeguarding membership of The Key, use it to access The Key Safeguarding which has useful assessment tools. (Membership also includes e-learning courses, factsheets and more.)

How often to use the audit

Complete the audit annually, or more frequently if you identify a large number of issues that need immediate action.

Check whether your local safeguarding arrangements specify how often you must audit safeguarding – and whether your safeguarding partners have an audit they expect you to use.