- Additional needs register: template and advice
Download our template additional needs register to help you track more vulnerable pupils across your school, and learn who to include on the register.
- Costing SEN provision for individual pupils
Find out how to calculate the cost of special educational needs (SEN) provision for individual pupils and how to track provision costs. Understand what funding is available for pupils with high needs and use our templates to save you time.
- Deploying TAs effectively: pupils with EHC plans
Some pupils with education, health and care (EHC) plans are entitled to 1:1 support from a teaching assistant (TA). This time is protected. Find out how to make the most effective use of TAs when supporting pupils with EHC plans.
- How to make your provision more inclusive
Does your provision cater to the needs of all of your pupils? Find out with our range of audits and checklists to help you identify any areas for improvement.
- Identifying and addressing staff development around SEND
Use our questionnaire to identify your teaching staff's development needs around special educational needs and disability (SEND), and get advice on how to address any gaps.
- Local offer: what you need to know
Find out what the local offer is and what it means for your school. See examples from different local authorities, and how schools refer to the local offer on their websites.
- National data on SEN
Find out the most recent national data on the proportion of pupils with special educational needs (SEN) so you can put your school-level data in context.
- Pupils with SEND: lesson planning audit
Use our audit tool to identify where teachers are confident differentiating their lesson plans for pupils with SEND, and where they might need more support. Find further resources to help you monitor SEND provision.
- Running high-quality SEND provision: resource hub
Understand your responsibilities when it comes to supporting pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Use these resources to help you fulfil your role as a SENCO, also improve your provision and pupil outcomes.
- SENCO handover: checklist
If your SENCO leaves, use our handover checklist to make sure your new SENCO has all the information they need, and your school can continue to meet the needs of all pupils with SEN.
- SENCO's year planner
Get organised with our annual planner for special educational needs co-ordinators (SENCOs). You'll find strategic aims for the autumn, spring and summer terms to help you plan your diary, and a list of operational tasks to schedule in throughout the year.
- SEND Code of Practice: a summary
Read our summary to help you comply with the SEND Code of Practice. Find out how the EHC assessment process works, and share our handout with staff to help them understand their responsibilities under the code.
- SEND provision: requirements and best practice audit
Complete our audit to have total confidence you've got everything in place for pupils with SEND and are meeting the statutory requirements in the SEND Code of Practice.
- SEND register: template and advice
Download our template register to help you manage SEND provision across your school. Get guidance on managing the register, and use our template letter to notify parents and carers when their child has been added.
- SEN provision in the EYFS: requirements
Understand what's required of early years providers under the SEND Code of Practice, including identifying needs, managing SEN support, requesting EHC assessments and helping with transition.
- SEN provision mapping
Evidence how you meet the needs of pupils with SEN and additional needs, measure the impact of your interventions and calculate their cost, by downloading our template provision maps to improve your SEN provision mapping.
- The graduated approach: how staff can collaborate to support pupils with SEN
Understand how your teaching staff and SENCO can work together to deliver the graduated approach to SEN support. Be clear on their responsibilities at each stage, so you can be confident your staff are supporting pupils with SEN effectively.