Costing SEN provision for individual pupils

Find out how to calculate the cost of special educational needs (SEN) provision for individual pupils and how to track provision costs. Understand what funding is available for pupils with high needs and use our templates to save you time.

Last reviewed on 7 June 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 11517
  1. Use our costed provision map template to save time
  2. Use our tool to track provision costs for individual pupils
  3. How to calculate the cost of SEN provision for each pupil
  4. Funding for pupils with high needs above the top-up funding threshold

Use our costed provision map template to save time

It contains formulas to help you easily work out the costs outlined below.

It's based on the 4 areas of need in the SEND Code of Practice (page 85):

  • Communication and interaction
  • Cognition and learning
  • Social, emotional and mental health
  • Sensory and/or physical needs

It also has space to track interventions that fall outside of these 4 areas, such as catch-up interventions for English and maths.

KeyDoc: template for a costed provision map XLS, 108.5 KB

See our other articles for guidance on:

Use our tool to track provision costs for individual pupils

Once you've calculated the cost per pupil, use our evaluation and tracking tool to see:

You can decide on the type of progress data to use before and after the intervention,