How to keep governors Ofsted-ready

Update your board regularly on what's going on in your school. If governors are up to speed, they'll feel more ready for an Ofsted inspection. Share our list of questions so they know what inspectors might ask them.

Last reviewed on 8 October 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 11532
  1. Keep your governors up to date throughout the year
  2. Help your governors stay on top of key tasks 
  3. Talk to governors about the process of inspections
  4. Download our questions to let governors know what inspectors might ask

Keep your governors up to date throughout the year

Preparation for inspection shouldn’t be a last-minute cramming session. The best way to make sure your governors are ready for Ofsted is to update them regularly on:

School development

  • Your school’s strengths and areas for improvement
  • Changes to your school since the last inspection, such as changes to procedures or policies in light of Ofsted feedback
  • Self-evaluation and your school’s development plan


  • How much targeted funding your school received (e.g. pupil premium, PE and sport premium):
    • How it's spent
    • The impact of the funding
  • The financial security of your school


  • Safeguarding, inclusion and what your school has done to counter radicalisation and extremism


  • Your school's curriculum and performance data
  • Your school's behaviour data, including:
    • Attendance
    • Sanctions, suspensions and exclusions
    • Searches and confiscations
  • (For secondary school governors): year 7 literacy and numeracy levels 


Relationships with parents and other stakeholders (e.g. if you're a