How to organise your monitoring schedule

Find out how you can monitor with purpose, so you don't overload staff with unnecessary monitoring. Plus, see examples of policies from other schools.

Last reviewed on 25 June 2024
Ref: 44672
  1. Don't monitor everything, select your priorities 
  2. Get support to improve monitoring
  3. Choose your activities based on impact 
  4. Set your schedule for the year 
  5. Each term, review your plan and make any changes 
  6. See an example of a policy

Broadly speaking, in a primary school you'll likely decide your monitoring schedule and activities as a whole school, with input from the senior leadership team (SLT) and subject/phase leaders.

However, depending on the size and structure of your school you may do your monitoring differently, so follow the guidance that suits you. For example, if you set your monitoring schedule as a whole school but you're in a secondary, you can follow the primary guidance.

Don't monitor everything, select your priorities 

SLT – use your school improvement plan (SIP) to establish your monitoring priorities for the upcoming year. Clear priorities will help you avoid doing unnecessary monitoring. 

Subject/phase leads –