Pupil attainment is compared across 8 elements
Progress 8 compares pupils’ end of Key Stage (KS) 4 progress against the progress of other pupils nationally who had similar attainment at the end of KS2.
Attainment tracks across 8 subjects (the attainment 8 score).
See pages 14 to 17 of the DfE's secondary accountability measures guidance.
A double-weighted maths element that will contain the pupil's English Baccalaureate (EBacc) maths qualification point score An English element based on the higher point score of a pupil's EBacc English language or English literature qualification. This will be double-weighted, if the pupil has taken both qualifications The 3 highest point scores from any of the following EBacc subjects: sciences, computer science, geography, history and languages (the EBacc element) The 3 highest point scores from any 3 other subjects, including English language or literature (if not counted in the English element), GCSEs (including EBacc subjects) or other