Midday supervisor: model job description

Download our model job description and person specification for a lunchtime supervisor and adapt it to suit your school's context.

Last reviewed on 21 August 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 13225
  1. Download our model job description and person specification

Download our model job description and person specification

Use our model job description and person specification to recruit your next midday/lunchtime supervisor. There are no specific statutory requirements for this role, so we've based it on the most common features that other schools include. 

Adapt it to suit your school’s context, needs and priorities – for example, in our model we've included responsibilities around organising play activities, but you may not need your midday supervisors to do this. 

KeyDoc: midday supervisor model job description and person specification DOC, 131.5 KB

Make sure your job advert complies with safeguarding guidance and equality law

You're not required to advertise this position internally or externally, but it's good practice to do so. Find out what you need to include in your job advert for maintained schools and academies to help you recruit safely.