Teachers on the UPR: performance objectives

Use our examples of performance objectives to help you write your own for a teacher on the upper pay range (UPR). Download a quick guide summarising the differences between objectives for teachers on the main pay range (MPR) and the UPR.

Last reviewed on 6 February 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 8502
  1. Objectives should relate to the teacher’s role and position
  2. How do objectives differ for teachers on the UPR?
  3. Pupil progress example
  4. Improving writing example
  5. Developing strategies example

This article was written with help from education experts, Tony Cook and David Roche.

Objectives should relate to the teacher’s role and position

A classroom teacher on the upper pay range (UPR) should be set objectives relating to the standards required for a UPR teacher.

These objectives should:

  • Focus on priorities
  • Be time-bound, challenging but achievable, and reflect the need for a satisfactory work/life balance
  • Reflect any relevant team, year or whole-school objectives
  • Reflect the teacher's experience and aspirations

Take a look at our guidance on how to write performance objectives for more support.

Below, we've provided some examples of objectives for you to modify based on:

  • The individual member of staff
  • Your school's objectives
  • Where on the pay scale the teacher sits (use the download in the next section for help with this)

Our download will help you understand how performance objectives will differ for teachers on