Staff induction: your step-by-step guide

Use our tips and checklist to plan effective staff induction so that all new colleagues buy into your school's culture and settle into their role well.

Last reviewed on 23 July 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 1134
  1. Download our induction checklist
  2. Be clear about who will be responsible for induction
  3. Prepare beforehand
  4. Make sure induction covers, as a minimum:
  5. Provide important documents
  6. Spread the induction out and mix conversation with materials
  7. Provide the member of staff with a 'buddy'
  8. Evaluate the success of your programme

This article is about inducting newly hired staff. For guidance on early career teacher (ECT) induction, for teachers at the start of their careers, head here.

Download our induction checklist

KeyDoc: induction checklist for new staff DOC, 201.0 KB

Use our checklist to help you arrange effective induction for new staff. Adapt it for your context and the employee’s role.

Be clear about who will be responsible for induction

This is important, otherwise your programmes can become disorganised. Choose whether to have:

  • One person responsible for induction throughout the school
  • The respective line managers responsible for inductions
  • Different people responsible for teaching staff and support staff induction

Prepare beforehand

Set up the practical things that the new staff member will need ahead of time, so you don't have to rush these jobs on the day. For example, prepare their:

Communicate clearly with them before their first day. Send out