Midday supervisor: interview questions

Use these questions, alongside our template interview record sheet, to help you select the best person for a midday supervisor position. Plus, know what to look for in candidates' answers.

Last reviewed on 27 March 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 2814
  1. Download our interview questions
  2. Get more help with interviews

Download our interview questions

Here's a list of questions that are suitable for a midday supervisor post, plus tips for what to look for in answers.

Use this template during the interview to record the responses given and score evidence.

KeyDoc - interview record sheet midday supervisor DOC, 185.0 KB

If you're looking to add alternative questions:

  • Take a look at what's in the job description and person specification to see what skills you want candidates to demonstrate
  • Think about any unique challenges of your school that they would need certain skills to handle, or any skills gaps you've had with past midday supervisors that you'd like to avoid

Get more help with interviews

Read our step-by-step guide to know what to do when holding an interview.