EYFS teacher: interview questions and tasks

Adapt and use these questions, record sheet and interview tasks, along with tips on what to look for in a candidate's response, to help you select the best possible EYFS teacher. You'll find tasks that test both lesson planning and classroom skills.

Last reviewed on 11 January 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: Nursery, PrimaryRef: 1734
  1. Choose from our list of questions
  2. Download and adapt our example tasks 

Choose from our list of questions

KeyDoc: EYFS teacher interview questions and record sheet DOC, 157.0 KB

Adapt our questions to suit your school's context and the role

The list is not intended to be prescriptive or to give an exhaustive list of questions. Personalise it and add questions specific to: 

  • The role you're recruiting for
  • Your own setting
  • Any issues your school is facing  

Download and adapt our example tasks 

Choose the task that's most appropriate to the role you're hiring for:

  • Create a lesson plan
  • Deliver a lesson 
  • Deliver a presentation 
KeyDoc: EYFS teacher interview tasks DOC, 165.5 KB