Funds and freebies: monthly highlights

Find a selection of the grants available to schools across a range of areas, and details of freebies you can access. Also learn about cost-of-living support available for your school and community.

Last reviewed on 22 July 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 3113
  1. Cost-of-living support
  2. Grants and funding opportunities
  3. Freebies
  4. For future reference

Cost-of-living support

Share details of warm banks with families

Support families to afford school uniform

Help with feeding children outside of school

Share ideas with families to help with school costs

Consider these ideas as a school

Grants and funding opportunities

Science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM)

Modern foreign languages

Religious education



Music, heritage, and crafts


General educational projects


Community projects

Environmental projects and outdoor learning

Trips, holidays and international understanding

Grants for disadvantaged children 

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)

NPQs and headship coaching


Period products

Access support from school hubs


Cyber defence tools

Careers education

Film club

Animal welfare

Day trips


PSHE lessons


LEGO magazine

Level 3 qualifications for adults

Supporting children and young people from Ukraine

Sustainability training and resources

For future reference

Currently closed

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