SEND: reports to governors

Download our SEND report to governors template, which has space to record your school's SEND profile and progress information. See examples of reports from schools to help you decide what to include.

Last reviewed on 30 November 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 3488
  1. SEND report template
  2. No statutory information to include
  3. School examples

SEND report template

Use this template, created with our associate education expert Lorraine Petersen, to report to the governing board about your school's special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) provision. 

KeyDoc: report to governors on SEND - template DOC, 197.5 KB

No statutory information to include

There isn't a set format or list of contents for the SEND report to governors, or a set frequency for how often to report to them.

The Governance handbook explains that it's the job of executive leaders to give the governing board all the information it needs to do its job well (page 22).

Executive leaders are "those held to account by the board for the performance of the organisation", such as the chief executive officer, executive headteacher, headteacher or other senior staff (see page 6 of the handbook). 

The SEND Code of Practice doesn't specifically say what governors should be told about SEND.

School examples

In its SEN report