Headteachers' reports to governors based on the Ofsted framework

See examples of headteachers' reports to governors based on the Ofsted framework.

Last reviewed on 25 September 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 8671
  1. Consider if this reporting style works for your governors
  2. Ofsted framework: areas of judgement 
  3. Primary example
  4. Secondary example
  5. Special school example

Consider if this reporting style works for your governors

Talk to your chair of governors, and agree whether this format would be the most helpful way for them to receive information about your school.

For more details on what to include in your report and an alternative report structure, take a look at our other article on the headteacher’s report to the governing board – it includes a how-to guide and template.

Ofsted framework: areas of judgement 

Ofsted will make graded judgements in the following areas:

  • Overall effectiveness
  • Quality of education
  • Behaviour and attitudes
  • Personal development
  • Leadership and management

Get more information on the current framework in our summary article, and see the latest handbook changes for September 2023.

Below, you'll find examples of reports from the headteacher to the governing board, based on the Ofsted judgement areas.

Primary example

It includes 1-page action plans for 'quality of education',