School premises: health and safety

  • Fire safety in schools: requirements and guidance
    Understand the statutory requirements for fire safety in schools, including risk assessments, fire alarms and staff training. Find guidance about limiting flammable materials and get expert advice from the London Fire Brigade and Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service.
  • Health and safety audit: template and guidance
    Use our template to help you conduct a health and safety audit in your school.
  • Health and safety checklists for classrooms
    Use these classroom checklists to make sure staff and pupils are working in a safe environment. You'll find our specialist classroom checklists to use alongside a general classroom one from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
  • Health and safety duties of trusts: overview template and how to comply
    As a trust, you have health and safety duties because you're the employer. Be clear on what these are and understand how to fulfil them. Use our overview tool to help you keep track of and monitor your requirements across your trust.
    For Trust Leaders
  • School temperatures: guidance
    Workplaces, including classrooms, must be kept at a 'reasonable' temperature. Read guidance on maximum and minimum temperatures, including recommendations from unions.