Health and safety audit: template and guidance

Use our template to help you conduct a health and safety audit in your school.

Last reviewed on 24 August 2023See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 8706
  1. Download our template
  2. Ask your LA
  3. Risk assessments
  4. Checklists for classrooms
  5. You don't need a specific qualification to carry out your school's audit
  6. Training to help you meet your health and safety requirements

Download our template

KeyDoc: health and safety audit DOC, 597.0 KB

It contains a list of questions relating to health and safety in schools, with space for you to record comments and actions to take alongside each question. The audit covers topics such as:

  • Accident reporting
  • External areas and access arrangements
  • Vehicles
  • Security
  • Trips and visits
  • Work experience

Schools are advised to regularly review their health and safety policy, or at least annually and following any health and safety-related incident.

For more information see the DfE's health and safety duties for schools (section 13).

Ask your LA

If you're a maintained school, your local authority (LA) may set health and safety requirements for you. 

These could include specific audit requirements, so check with them before you start.

Risk assessments

Use our generic template for risk assessments and find further guidance and resources to help you.

Checklists for classrooms

See health and safety checklists for classrooms, including subject-specific classrooms, in another of our articles.