Show you understand your key responsibilities
As the headteacher and senior leadership team (SLT), it’s your responsibility (in most cases) to make sure risks are managed effectively day to day.
Find details of the risks you need to consider in our model health and safety policy.
Appoint a competent person* to be your health and safety lead Have a compliant health and safety policy – adapt our model health and safety policy to save you time Comply with health and safety law (your school should be 'familiar with' relevant legislation such as the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999) and put appropriate control measures in place Regularly review and update your risk assessments, treating them as 'living documents' Train your teachers so they know and understand their responsibilities, and keep a log of all health and safety training If your school has Whole School membership of The