How Ofsted inspects early years education in schools

Learn how Ofsted inspects your Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) provision for pupils aged 2 and over. Understand what inspectors are looking for, find details of the EYFS grade descriptors and see examples of 'outstanding' EYFS provision.

Last reviewed on 18 October 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: Nursery, PrimaryRef: 5775
  1. EYFS provision is included in your Ofsted inspection
  2. What inspectors are looking for
  3. How inspectors will gather evidence 
  4. Grade descriptors for early years provision
  5. Learn from inspection reports of ‘outstanding’ settings
  6. Use our resources to boost your EYFS provision

This article is about Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) provision for pupils aged 2 or older in a school setting, including nursery, reception, provision for 2 and 3 year-olds and wraparound care. 

Early years provision not in a school setting, and any provision that takes children younger than 2 years old, whether part of a school or not, must register with Ofsted, and is inspected separately under the Early Years Inspection Handbook

EYFS provision is included in your Ofsted inspection

A section of your inspection report will summarise the effectiveness of your early years education. Inspectors will use evidence to evaluate what it's like to be a child in your EYFS, taking into account:

  • The ages of the children
  • Whether they attend full time or part time 

You can find this in paragraphs 292 and 448