Pupil premium: monitoring checklist

Feel confident as pupil premium lead with our list of everything you need to do, including what data you should monitor, how you should report back to your governing board and how to track pupil progress.

Last reviewed on 28 February 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 34349
  1. Download our monitoring checklist
  2. Guidance: monitoring in practice
  3. Next steps 

We'd like to thank Gulshan Kayembe, one of our associate education experts, for her help with this article and checklist. 

Download our monitoring checklist

KeyDoc: pupil premium monitoring checklist DOC, 194.0 KB

It includes sections such as:

  • The pupil premium strategy plan
  • Pupil progress
  • Links with the governing board

Guidance: monitoring in practice

You should:

  • Measure success based on outcomes for eligible pupils
  • Use a robust and transparent evaluation framework and report outcomes against this
  • Make evaluation an ongoing process, as strategies that have been effective in one year might not continue to be effective

You shouldn't:

  • Use data that doesn't measure pupil outcomes
  • Base your evaluations on the reactions of those delivering the activity
  • Set vague intended outcomes from the start, as this makes evaluation more difficult

This is set out on page 12 of the DfE's guidance for school leaders on using the pupil premium.

While you're in charge of collecting evidence of the impact of all