Early years pupil premium (EYPP)

The EYFP is extra funding to support disadvantaged children in your early years provision. Find out who is eligible and how much funding you can receive.

Last reviewed on 4 March 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: Nursery, PrimaryRef: 7509
  1. What is it and how much can we get?
  2. Who's eligible?
  3. It's your responsibility to identify eligible children
  4. There are no set conditions for using the funding
  5. Examples of EYPP spending

What is it and how much can we get?

The early years pupil premium (EYPP) is extra funding that local authorities (LAs) give early years providers to support disadvantaged children under the age of 4.

If your setting is eligible, for the 2024-25 financial year, you'll receive 68p per hour per eligible pupil, up to 570 hours – so up to £388 per year, per pupil.

This is outlined in the operational guide for early years entitlements (section 8.5). 

Who's eligible?

For 2024-25, the EYPP has been extended to also include children aged 9 months to 2 years old, accessing the entitlements and meeting the eligibility criteria.

The universal 15 hours entitlement for 3 and 4 year-olds The 15 hours entitlement for disadvantaged 2-year-olds From April 2024, the 15 hours entitlement for 2-year-olds of working parents From September 2024,