Pupil premium: allocation and payment dates

Find out how the pupil premium is allocated and when you'll receive your payments.

Last reviewed on 26 February 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 6679
  1. How the pupil premium is allocated
  2. Payment dates in 2024-25
  3. How to calculate academic year allocations

How the pupil premium is allocated

  • Pupil premium funding is allocated for the financial, rather than the academic year
  • In 2024-25, for mainstream and special schools it's allocated based on the numbers of eligible pupils recorded on your roll in the October 2023 census
  • For pupil referral units (PRUs) it’s allocated based on the number of eligible pupils recorded in the January 2024 census
  • Maintained schools – LAs receive the money from the DfE and allocate it out to their schools
  • Academies and non-maintained special schools – receive the money directly from the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA)

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