Skills and knowledge audit: art and design

Share our self-assessment tool with anyone who teaches art and design in your school to help them evaluate their subject knowledge and teaching confidence. Use their reflections to help you fill in our audit tool, and find resources to help you address any gaps.

Last reviewed on 9 November 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: Primary, SecondaryRef: 45653
  1. Ask staff to evaluate their own skills and knowledge
  2. Audit your current art teaching to find areas to develop
  3. Once you've identified gaps, use these resources to improve practice

Ask staff to evaluate their own skills and knowledge

Download and adapt our self-assessment

If you decide which areas of art teachers will teach about, adapt the sections (highlighted in yellow) to make these more specific. If teachers decide on their own areas for study, delete these highlighted sections. 

This will give you a good understanding of how confident your staff are in teaching art, and help them reflect on their own levels of skills and knowledge.

The self-assessment covers: 

You know your staff, pupils and your school’s context best, so add or remove sections as appropriate. 

Encourage all teachers to fill it out, and meet them where they're at

Encourage staff to respond honestly, emphasising that you want to help them feel more comfortable and