Department/subject leadership: checklist for the new academic year

Use our checklist of tasks to help get your department/subject plans in great shape for the new academic year.

Last reviewed on 19 July 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: Nursery, Primary, Secondary, 16 PlusRef: 31826
  1. Download our checklist
  2. Prepare for your termly tasks
  3. Use our resources to help tick off the tasks on your checklist

Download our checklist

Use it ahead of the new school year to reflect on what you need to do to be prepared. It includes a list of tasks and space to write down next steps. 

KeyDoc: subject leader checklist for the new year (primary) DOC, 193.5 KB
KeyDoc: head of department/subject leader checklist for the new year (secondary) DOC, 194.0 KB

It includes opportunities to reflect on your:

  • Role
  • Subject leadership file
  • Budget
  • Strategic direction and priorities
  • Teaching and learning approach
  • Line management responsibilities
  • Staff and resources
  • Stock
  • Innovation in your subject

We worked with Jeremy Bird, Martin Owen and Nina Siddall-Ward to create these checklists.

Prepare for your termly tasks

Ahead of the start of the year, plan your key tasks for each term to help you manage and monitor your department.

Use our termly checklists for primary and secondary subject/department leaders.

Use our resource hub for subject and department leads to complete the next steps