Personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) is a non-statutory subject, so you have plenty of freedom to choose resources that reflect the needs of your pupils.
Relationships and health education
All primary schools must provide:
- Relationships education
- Health education
This is set out in the DfE's statutory guidance.
If you’re using PSHE lessons to fulfil this requirement, you'll need to make sure you include all the statutory content. Find out more about relationships and health education requirements and resources in our other articles.
Download a programme of study from the PSHE Association
The PSHE Association has produced a programme of study to provide “a framework for designing PSHE education that matches your pupils’ needs”.
The programme covers Key Stages (KS) 1 to 5. It integrates statutory content (relationships and health) and non-statutory topics (including finances, personal safety and managing risk) into its 3 core themes: